Blake Esselstyn

About Mapfigure’s founding principal.

Blake Esselstyn (he/him) is a North Carolina-based geographer, demographer, and redistricting consultant who first began studying geographic information systems (GIS) more than 25 years ago. In recent years 15 government jurisdictions have adopted redistricting plans that Blake designed. He has served as an expert witness and consulting expert for multiple court cases and has spoken on redistricting at Harvard, Duke, UNC Chapel Hill, the University of Texas at Austin, and numerous other institutions.

Blake earned his undergraduate degree from Yale University and his master’s degree from Penn. He holds professional certifications as a GIS Professional (GISP) and a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP). For a more complete listing of his experience and credentials, please see his CV.

Photo of Blake Esselstyn